I'm sure the bulls were loathing this annual occasion. At least that's what I thought their breathy "moos" and snorts conveyed.
An assignment was given to me to photograph images related to farm injury. So I met Mr. Alquin Heinnickel, who has been raising cattle for 45 years, at his Hempfield farm. Uneasy around the camera, he quickly showed me his combine, silo unloader and grain dryer. Luckily I asked assertively if I could photograph him actually working instead of a 10 minute tour.
Though these images are somewhat unrelated to the original assignment, I thought it was a fun opportunity to be in a farmer's shoes for a day.
With the snow, mud, uncooperative cattle and long hours, my current high respect for farmers increased immensely. Our country is so fortunate to have these men and women in our communities.